
milli_tarkkailee.jpgOur cat hobby start in early 1987, when we became the first persiancat. We went a lot of catshows with our four persiancats, and three cats completed International Premior.

I got my catteryname 1990.

In 1992 we became the first newfoundlandog. Then we started to go active dogshow.
We visited the shows in Scandinavia and the Baltics. Our hobby was also water rescue, and my husband has trained water rescue for 10 years.

We have cats from Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Czechs, Netherlands and Poland. We was also one newfoundlanddog from Italy.

Cattery is small, only a few litter in year.

♥All our cats live together with us, and they get very much love and care. ♥ We don't cage any cats!!!

Click: Introducing Barfait`s cattery

